I open the plain brown lunch bag and pour in a fourth cup of popcorn. Fold the edges of the bag a couple of times. "Pop" it in the microwave (get it? "Pop"! I kill myself sometimes!) and set the timer for 3 minutes. The time varies and we usually take the bag out right before the timer beeps. Next, I put about a 1/2 TBSP of butter in a coffee mug and melt it in the microwave. While the butter is melting, I sprinkle about a 1/2 tsp of Kosher salt (give or take, I eye it with my hand) over the popped popcorn and give the bag a good shake. By this time the butter should have melted. Drizzle the butter over the popped, and salted, popcorn and give the bag another good shake. Pour the popcorn in a bowl and dig in!

Thanks so much for sharing. I had no idea that you could make your own microwave popcorn. I will definitely have to try this.
That's a GREAT way to do it!
I have a hard time eating commercial microwave popcorn ever since I took care of a guy in intensive care who was dying from being exposed to those "chemical" butters at a microwave popcorn factory. No lie. Habitually smelling the fumes that come off that stuff can make you very sick at the LEAST.
Jen ~ I hope you enjoy the popcorn this way. I think it tastes better and it seems to be cheaper when done this way.
Glenna ~ Wow! I hadn't heard of anything negative regarding the prepackaged stuff. I just figured that making it on your own would have to be healthier. We won't be using the prepackaged stuff again!!!
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