Violet came home with a terrible fever on Friday. We've not been getting much sleep around here with this little bug working overtime in our little girl. She's been having some serious sinus issues which affects how well she sleeps. Listening to your child snore brings about all kinds of feelings. You can't help but smile at the sound but it also makes you worry. Then there's the fever, we can't seem to get rid of it. We'll shake it for an hour or so but it always comes back, with a vengeance. So, we've been alternating between Tylenol and Ibuprofen along with a regular dose of Benadryl. This helps us keep the fever down and the snot to a minimum. (Look at that precious nose of hers, it's raw from all the nose blowing and wiping she's been doing.) Hopefully we're through the worst of this and we'll be able to resume normal activities soon. I don't think I can handle another day spent in this house. Violet is climbing the walls and my head hurts. We've now gone three days without natural sunlight and it's starting to take it's toll on us all. If the fever's not gone in the morning then we'll be going to the pediatrician.
Bless her heart! I hope she's feeling better soon. Bryce did the fever thing from Wednesday until Saturday, and it is HARD on a kid, and the parent too. I hate not being able to "fix" Bryce when he's sick. I'll say a prayer for you all too that this passes quickly.
How is Violet? You?? We are praying. xoxo.
Kimberly ~ thanks for the prayers. We can use them.
Jenni ~ thanks for asking and for the prayers. Violet is still running a slight fever and her sinuses are all screwed up. And, now I've got what she has. I'm totally miserable.
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