Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to go to an Astro's baseball game. This was Violet's first baseball game and she had a wonderful time. Before the game we bought Violet a baseball cap to commemorate her first game. That was supposed to be it for souvenirs. But as we all know, things don't always work out the way you think they will.

Once we got to our seats, we quickly discovered we were directly under some massive air vents. And it was frigid! It was 90 something degrees outside and we had dressed accordingly for the heat. We were totally unprepared to sit in a giant sized ice cooler! Okay, maybe ice cooler is a bit of a stretch but it was really, really cold. Gregg and I were able to tolerate the cold temperature but Violet was turning blue and so we bought her a long sleeved shirt.

I'm not entirely sure how our discussion turned towards Halloween but Violet mentioned that she wanted to be an Astro's bat-girl for Halloween. We had basically just bought two key items for that costume! Isn't is amazing how things work out like that?

Violet made an excellent Astro's bat girl...

The kid made out like a bandit when she hit the streets. She knocked on the doors of some major Astro's fans and they made sure her bucket was filled to the rim with candy.

The baseball bat belongs to Gregg, Violet's Daddy. It was his bat when he was in Little League. The bat is solid wood and weighs about ten pounds. He ended up carrying it around the block for Violet because it got to be too heavy for her, especially with the weight of the candy-filled bucket.

My little slugger...

I hope you all had an amazing Halloween. Violet and her Daddy had a wonderful time. Me, not so much. I had to stay home because I was incredibly sick. It broke my heart to see her leave with her Daddy because I have never missed a Halloween with my precious baby girl. She was so kind to share some of her loot with me. Yes, my seven year old only child shares easily with everyone. She has a heart of gold and I'm so proud to call her my daughter!

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