Thursday, May 31, 2012

Classical Conversations - Cycle 1 Book List for Foundations

In my enthusiasm for next year's curriculum with Classical Conversations, I have been searching out books. More specifically, read aloud books! I just started researching the topics for Cycle 1 and have found a wealth of books that I am completely geeked out at this moment! Yes, I love my books. Yes, I love sharing books with others, especially children. And yes, I get so excited about books that I feel like a kid that has been let loose in a candy store! Yee-Haw!!!

My list of books doesn't correlate with the book list that Classical Conversations puts out. Although a few of my books are on that list as well. Enjoy the plethora of books for Cycle 1 that I have compiled thus far! Be sure to check back though because I plan on adding to this list of fun books!

Books for Classical Conversations - Cycle 1
Afternoon Reading Program

*MSB = Magic School Bus

1.   The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus - Aliki
2.   The Pompeii Pop Up Book - David Hawoock (timeline)
3.   The Prince and the Spinx - Carl Meister
4.   Isis and Osiris - Carl Meister
5.   Who Was King Tut? - Roberta Edwards (timeline)
6.   Ancient Egypt: An Interactive History Adventure - 

- Heather Adamson
7.   Black Ships Before Troy - Rosemary Sutcliff
8.   Gladiators and Roman Soldiers, Fierce Fighters -

- Charlotte Guillain
9.   Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - Mary Hoffman
10. Mystery of the Roman Ransom - Henry Winterfield
11. The Librarian Who Measured the Earth - K. Lasky
12. Temple Cat - Clements
13. Gilgamesh the King - Zeman
15. Archaeologists Dig for Clues - Duke
16. The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War - E. Little
17. Henry the Navigator: Prince of the Portuguese Exploration - 

- Aniganello
18. Fierce Fighters Aztec Warriors - C. Guillian
19. Where Butterflies Grow - J. Ryder
20. MSB: Inside the Earth
21. Let’s Go Rock Collecting - R. Gans
22. MSB: And the Climate Change - J. Cole
23. MSB: On the Ocean Floor
24. Snowflake Bentley - J. Briggs Martin (award winner)
25. A Drop Around the World - B. McKinney (award winner)
26. The Egyptian Cinderella - Shirley Climo
27. The 5,000 Year Old Puzzle - Claudia Logan (King Tut)
28. The Great Wonder - Annabelle Howard
29. Mara, Daughter of the Nile - Eloise Jarvis McGraw
30. Tutankhamen’s Gift - Robert Sabuda
31. World History in Verse - David Manley
32. Multiplying Menace - Pam Calvert
33. Adventures in Ancient Greece - Linda Bailey
34. Alexander the Great: Ruler of the Ancient World -

- Andrew Langley (timeline)
35. Anthanasius - Simonetta Carr
36. Pompeii... Burried Alive - Edith Kunhardt (timeline)
37. Saint Paul - David Self (timeline)
38. Francis: The Poor Man of Assissi - 

- Tomie DePaola (timeline)
39. Joan of Arc - Dian Stanley (timeline)
40. John Calvin - Simonetta Carr (timeline)
41. The Making of a Knight - Patrick O’Brien
42. Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World - 

- Paul L. Maier (timeline)
43. Son of Charlemagne - Barbara Willard
44. Sir Cumfrence and the First Round Table - Neuschwander


  1. I love book lists. Is there any way you could specify which week (from CC) you plan to correlate these books with? Just having the week number would be great. Thanks for posting this!

  2. Alicia, Thanks for stopping by. I've just worked on this during my free time. I won't be using the full list (as there aren't enough funds in our budget to cover that) but rather using it as a guide for books to look for. I hope to be able to edit this with the corresponding weeks at some point but I can't tell you when that will happen. I'm sure you understand.


  3. Thank you for sharing this book list. My 4 yr old will be starting CC this coming school year and we're so excited. This is an awesome list. Oh, I'm from TX too!!!

  4. Great list! We're beginning Foundations Cycle I in August!

  5. Thank you for sharing this amazing list with other CC moms! I am off to search our library's online catalog to see how many of these I can find. Wish me luck! :-)

  6. Thank you for sharing. This is really helpful... we have an incredible library that will hunt down any title I give them! AWESOME!!

  7. Thanks for a fun visit and a great list of books. I, too, love easy reading books to share with my grandkids as they work on their homeschooling projects. I'll be saving this, for sure. :)

    And by the by, I found some great biographies and a fun graphic book on the presidency that I've shared at SandwichINK. :)

    Have a blessed day!


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