Saturday, September 8, 2007

Temporary Home

Gregg, Violet and I will be looking at several apartments over the weekend. Thankfully, we've done some preliminary research and have narrowed down the list of hundreds of apartment complexes. The side of Houston where we'll be moving to is much larger than where we live now, I didn't think that was possible. We've been very fortunate to live where we've been at for several years now. We have a covered parking area and a cute little patch for a backyard. We also have some of the best neighbors anyone could ask for.

Criteria for our new residence? Gregg and I want to have a sense of security wherever we move to. That fact alone eliminates several places. We also would like to have something in the immediate area for Violet's entertainment, either a park or a playground. Again, this narrows down the list even more. Finally, we want our new temporary home to be close to Gregg's office and not too far from our church. The list is getting smaller now. We know that we'll pay more for our new home than what we've been paying but we'll also make up that difference in gas and in utilities... it all somehow balances itself out.

We've been trying to clue Violet in on the changes that are about to happen. We told her several times this week that we're going to look at apartments this weekend. She seems to be excited but really she has no idea what we're doing. How do you explain to a three year old what involves moving? I have no idea. We just want her to feel secure throughout the whole process.

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