Thursday, August 21, 2008

Battle of The Wills

Everything was nice and calm, laughter filled the house as we made silly faces, until a massive storm hit. We call that storm Violet. It's amazing how the temperament of a preschooler can change on a whim. Gregg and I were in shock at how quickly Violet's mood turned sour shortly after taking this photo. We're still reeling in the aftershock.

What made Violet's mood change so suddenly? It was dinner time and we wouldn't cave in on giving her "cheese crackers" (aka, goldfish crackers). And before you accuse us of being ogre parents let me tell you what was on the menu... Pot Roast, Potatoes & Carrots, and Sugar Snap Peas. You know, all that yucky stuff that we're willing to pay a fortune for at a restaurant.

And, just as quickly as the tide turned into a sour mood it turned into a sweet one. I swear, Gregg and I need neck braces due to whiplash. Once Violet realized she wasn't going to get the crackers that she was throwing such a massive fit for she asked for cereal. The answer was simply, "no". It didn't take long for our little girl to realize that she wasn't going to get anything other than what was laid out before her on her kid-sized plate and began gobbling up her dinner. It was a battle of the wills and I am happy to report that Gregg and I won this battle. Whew, I'm exhuasted.


Kimberly said...

Jen said...
Mealtime is a constant battle at my house. We do the same thing and give them whatever we are eating. Most nights my daughter just doesn't eat. You can tell from looking at her that she is not starving. So I guess it is working for now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Kimberly said...
Jen ~ It's encouraging to know we're not the only ones going through this. I guess our kids use those extra stores of baby fat to get them through this age. ;~)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kimberly said...

NOTE: Post was re-edited and so I copy/pasted the comments above that were on the original post.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog! What a beautiful family you three are! And yes, we see some true colors at our mealtimes, too. It seems my almost two-year old has ants in his pants and if he's not strapped in will try every chance he gets to climb down from his chair. This is especially fun when we eat out!
I look forward to your future posts! May I link to your blog?

Kimberly said...

I was so thrilled when I found your blog from Tamra's. I'd be honored if you'd link to my blog. Sorry, I didn't think to ask you the same. lol.

Joanna said...

Yay you for winning that battle! Kids are total Jeckyl and Hyde's! How we are not in white padded rooms is beyond me! ;)

Kimberly said...

Joanna ~ I hear you on that one! I've been feeling the need for some psychotherapy the past few days. ;~) I kid. But a good massage sure would be nice!!! I'm starting to feel like my shoulders are supposed to be joined to my ear lobes. lol. It's been such a long time since I've seen them any other way.