A gentle breeze rustling the dry cornstalks.
A sound is heard, a goblin walks.
A harvest moon suffers a black cat's cry.
Oh' do the witches fly!
Bonfire catches a pumpkins gleem.
Rejoice, it's Halloween!
-Richard Anderson (me) © Copyright 1998
After a quick meal of spaghetti we were dressed and out the door. There was candy to be had and we were out to find it! We first went to Crosspoint Community Church but gave up very quickly after seeing the crowds there. (I don't do crowds too well; I get that from my Daddy.) So, we were off in search of a good neighborhood to "Trick-OR-Treat" in. We found the perfect family oriented neighborhood. Actually, we found the perfect neighborhood that we hope to find a home in someday soon! More on that later.
Tonight, Violet was the most adorable Tinker Bell.

That smile just melts my heart!

Here she is modeling the butterflies that are in her hair. Bet you didn't know that fairies are a butterfly magnet! I think it has something to do with the wings and all that pixie dust they carry with them.

Let me tell you, this kid made OUT with the goodies!!! Her pumpkin pail was so full by the time we were finished that she asked me to carry it for her. Gregg and I have a ton of candy to go through once I'm done here. Then, I'll bag up the candy so that Violet can pick out a few pieces each day until it's all gone. Which, from the looks of her pail, that'll be some time from now. For anyone who wants to know, if Violet's pail is any indication, Laffy Taffy was the candy given out the most this year. I love the jokes that are always on the packaging of Laffy Taffy. Yes, they're corny but that's part of their charm.
Violet was so shy, even timid at times, tonight. She was pretty good with her "Trick-Or-Treat"s but they were spoken so softly that there were a few who didn't hear it. Obviously her little practice session the other day didn't stick. There was always a "Thank you" after being given candy though and that to me is the most important thing. As soon as we would walk away from a home Violet would ask, "Can we get some more candy? Please?". She was nearly skipping from home to home, holding my hand the whole time. It was hard not to get caught up in her excitement. Although, my reason for being excited was over looking at all the lovely homes and how they were decorated while Violet's was all about the candy. Being that she's four, I can't begrudge her that. Candy is always exciting for children. Heck, it's exciting for the parents who have to test, I mean check, the candy before giving it to their kids.
Once we had made our way around the block we loaded back into the car and went back to Crosspoint Community Church. Just so you know, we did NOT go back for more candy. We went back because they were having this...

I KNOW!!! Fireworks! At Halloween!!! They did a great job at putting on the fireworks show. Of course, although many didn't realize it, the church wasn't celebrating Halloween with their fireworks. The fireworks were a celebration of Martin Luther posting his 95 Theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. Still, it was an amazing show and the perfect ending to a wonderful night.
Happy Halloween y'all! I hope you had a frightfully wonderful good time.
What a pretty little tinkerbell, and beautiful pics of the fireworks!
Awww she's lovely! I'm so jealous that they set off fireworks for halloween where you are! I wish they would do that here!
Love your Tinkerbell!! My Isabella is four as well and it's a terrific age. Enjoy!!
PS....PLEASE ditch the word verification thingy!! Thank you!
Violet is a gorgeous Tink and I'm glad she had such a good time. Fireworks were cool too!
WOW - fireworks on halloween! I wish they'd think of that around here, we'd love it! That tink costume is adorable and I love the striped tights!
Thank you for the wonderful comments ladies! And thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! :)
CUTE! And love the haning glittery pumpkins! ENJOY the rest of the weekend! Fifi
Too cute! My daughter was tinkerbell too! Must be a girl thing :-)
She makes a great Tink! Too cute. Thanks for stopping by.
She made a perfect little Tinkerbell. I am glad you had a great Halloween.
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