Pepper Lee. Dec. 1994 - Dec. 2009
May you rest in peace while in God's embrace.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal ~Author Unknown.
Loss is something we all experience at some point in our lives. Today we just experienced a big one. Our faithful cat, and beloved member of our family, joined the angels today. We were blessed to be her family for fifteen years out of her sixteen years on this earth.
Pepper adopted our family one December day in 1995. I guess you could say we've come full circle with her passing in December. Pepper was a few days away from being put to sleep when I first met her, as she was considered un-adoptable. She was brought in off the streets and wouldn't let anyone touch her until that fateful day we crossed paths. I wasn't looking to adopt a cat but immediately knew that she was supposed to be a part of our family. And the rest, you could say, was history.

I already miss Pepper. Her absence is terribly apparent as she was usually on my lap when I'd post something here. She slept next to me every night. Pepper would even follow me from room to room. We were almost always together. Violet has had her moments of grief, as has my husband, but I seem to be taking it the hardest. Thankfully, Violet doesn't understand death the way an adult does. She's content with knowing that Pepper is with the angels in heaven now. Hopefully that same peace will settle within my heart soon. In the meantime, please remember my little family in your prayers. This has been a hard day and I'm anticipating some more ahead of us.

Pepper, Thank you for gracing our lives the last fifteen years. We have been blessed to be called your family. Your faithful loving presence is already greatly missed. Life won't be the same without you here. We take comfort in knowing you will no longer feel pain and that you're already in God's embrace. HE created you for our family and we thank Him for gracing our lives with you. You will be forever missed my dear sweet one. I love you Sweetpea!
Ohh, I'm so sorry! I'm not a pet person at all, but I can just feel through your post how much Pepper meant to you. Hugs.
I am so sorry, my friend. I have always loved hearing the story of how Pepper, the un-adoptable, became adopted. You have been such a great family to your beautiful 6 toed friend =0) I love your blog, Kimberly . . . so well written and from the heart. I look forward to meeting soon so that I can give you a huge I'm so sorry hug. Love you and I'm praying for you. Thank you for sharing who you are with all of us.
I am so sorry Kimberly. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. My thoughts are definitely with you and your family.
I am so sorry about Pepper. Jingles, my cat, found me in December 1995, so him and Pepper are the same age. I can't imagine my life without him, but I know that time will come eventually.
My prayers are with you.
oh no. I'm so sorry!
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