Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Melody of Rain

We were hit with rain all day Saturday. The skies gently opened that morning letting it's first drops of rain land softly where they may. As the day progressed so did the intensity of the rain. When the skies finally opened the flood gates there was no holding the rain back. The wind blew the rain so forcefully that it fell in angles, falling diagonally rather than vertically. The sounds of the rain and thunder that day reminded me of the percussion in an orchestra. The rain keeping tempo as it fell on the ground and the thunder reverberating like a bass drum. The rain made the most wonderful sounds as it bounced off the buildings and nearby cars. The steady rhythm was sweet music to my ears and I never grew tired of listening to it.

I needed the rain that day. My nerves have been on a tight wire lately due to the pain I've been in and the upcoming surgery. As I watched and listened to the rain I could feel the stress and anxiety roll off me. Peace began to settle in where the other emotions were and the calm was as refreshing as the rain. I will never cease to be amazed at how God gives us exactly what we need at the exact time we need it.

We serve a loving God, One who wants to shower us in His love. He sings over us with songs of gladness and delights in His children. We reap the benefits of such a loving Father every time we are still enough to pay attention to the things around us. The song of a bird as it takes flight, the breeze gently winding its way through the trees, and the sweet melody of the rain as it descends upon the earth. These are just a few of the ways God shows His great love for us. One of the greatest gifts I could give to Violet is to teach her to be still, listen, and experience the beauty that is around her in this world. Maybe she'll enjoy the rain as much as I do when she's older and we'll sit together on a porch somewhere listening to the rain, allowing it to draw us closer as mother and daughter. I can hardly think of a better way to spend my time.


jenni said...

This is beautiful.

Kimberly said...

Thank you Jenni. I consider that high praise!