Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Shot Monday

I can't believe I'm actually posting a photo of Ebony & P.B. since these two and I aren't on the best of terms. Still, I think it's a great photo of the two. I was waiting on some birds to arrive at my parent's bird feeders and when none showed up I turned the camera on the cats. Ebony reminds me of Toothless, a dreaded Night Fury, from How To Train Your Dragon.


Cindy Caton said...

Beautiful picture of them Kim. I'm so proud of you for posting a picture of P.B. :)

Kimberly said...

Cindy ~ thanks! he only hissed at me once last week. now ebony, she made me jump to the ceiling one night! she got thumped on the head the next time she tried that and we got along just fine from that moment on. lol.

~Crystal~ said...

LOL! Ebony totally looks like toothless!!! =0)