Monday, July 19, 2010

Random Thoughts

It's amazing what a difference it makes to your family's dynamics when there is an extra kid in your house. Not really a kid but a teenager!!! We have had a precious family member visit us for the past two weeks and there has never been a dull moment since she arrived. And I totally mean that in the best way possible. There has been a level of constant chatter and movement that hasn't been experienced in our home before. Needless to say, it has been quite the experience!

We took RC to Austin over the weekend so that she can spend the week with my sister-in-law's family. Monday was the first day in two weeks that it has just been me and Violet. While Violet was able to fill her day with different things to do the house was eerily quiet. I miss the sweet laughter of shared jokes and activities between the girls. Thankfully, we'll get RC back for a few days before she returns home. That is if I'll let her return home. We've enjoyed having her here so much that I'm thinking of keeping her! Yeah, I know, that'll never work but a girl can dream can't she?!!

The rest of the week is going to be pretty busy and very crazy for Violet and me. We have a three day practicum we're participating in, Thursday through Saturday. Up at the crack of dawn so that we can leave the house, and beat the traffic, just as the sun wakes up for the day. I'm SO not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to the practicum itself. Violet will be in a day-camp while I am learning how to use the curriculum we'll be involved in for this coming school year.

I am so thankful to be involved with Classical Conversations this year. Violet and I did okay for her Kindergarten year but we really missed being with other people. Homeschooling can be a lonely existence if you're not involved in a group of some sort. We intended to be involved in a group last year but missed the cut off date to join. Lesson learned. The school year hasn't even started for us yet but we're plugged in with the group and are already keeping busy. While I'm not accustomed to all the activities I realize they are an important part of the social settings of school and are greatly needed by not only by the children but the parents as well. The 2010-2011 school year is looking very promising and we're ready to get started!


Kimberly said...

It's amazing how much alike the two of them look. So, does this make you long for more kids? :)

Homeschooling is something I've been thinking about long and hard lately, but for us it's just not a practical situation. I so admire you for doing it though!

Jen said...

They do look alike. That's awesome they are getting to spend so much time together. They are creating memories for sure.