Friday, August 27, 2010

To Do List

1. Dust. Achoo!
2. Sweep all floors. Where does all this dirt come from?
3. Mop all floors. Oh, my aching back!
4. Vacuum carpet. Needing an ice pack right about now.
5. Straighten up throughout. Jeez, we have too much paper in this house.
6. Pick up toys. Really must get rid of some of these toys.
7. Clean kitchen, top to bottom. Wow, things look so pretty when they sparkle!
8. Clean out the fridge. So glad we didn't eat THAT!
9. LAUNDRY!!! Wish I had a Genie right about now.
10. Bathrooms. One word ~ Ick.
11. Hang up decorations. This look so cute. Violet will love this!

Exhausting work but SO worth it!!!


Anonymous said...

OK - why didn't this ever happen when you were a teenager and living at home?

Kimberly said...

Umm, I seem to remember nearly killing ourselves anytime we had company come visit. Do you remember a certain lay renewal back at Center Hill? I sure do! LOL.

Momma's Soapbox said...

Worth it because you are a good Momma and Violet looks like she had a wonderful time!