Sunday, February 14, 2010

BSM: From Our Latest Museum Trip

We recently went to the Museum of Natural Science in Sugar Land to tour the Chronicles of Narnia Exhibit. Unfortunately, photos weren't allowed in the Narnia exhibit since everything is from the actual movie sets. Let me just say, the exhibit was amazing! Another favorite at the museum was their Dig Pit, it certainly was a huge draw for Violet. She got to pretend to be an archaeologist for several hours and had a blast.


Joanna said...

How fun! I have been thinking of taking Ella to our Childrens Museum which has a dinosaur exhibit. I know she would love it too.....They just have to let thier imagination come out.

Kimberly said...

Too bad about the photos, I'd love to have seen it. Look like Violet is having fun digging for bones. :)